Why is Porn Protected?

I’m not sure how to write this without my intention being misconstrued and I have been warned that anyone speaking out these days is setting themselves up for negative backlash.  But, I keep replaying that quote in my mind:  “All it takes for evil to win is for good people…

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Is Porn Hate Speech?

I’m not sure how to write this without my intention being misconstrued and I have been warned that anyone speaking out these days is setting themselves up for negative backlash.  But, I keep replaying that quote in my mind:  “All it takes for evil to win is for good people…

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It’s Time To Talk

boy looking at computer screen

Everyone is talking about screens these days.  Some people praise them.  Others fear them.  But most agree that they’re here to stay.  The impact of our daily screen worship is being seen and felt throughout societies across the globe with effects being in every one of the dimensions of wellness….

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